The Mission of Silver Wheels Cycling Club, Inc.

is to create and provide an environment where members and guests can:

  -  Ride for exercise and health

  -  Enjoy the social side of cycling

  -  Improve cycling skills

  -  Learn more about cycling and educate the community

  -  Promote cycling in our area  

Constitution, By-Laws, and Policies & Procedures of

Silver Wheels Cycling Club, Inc.


A Short History of Silver Wheels

Silver Wheels was begun much the same way that other organizations have been in the past. A common enjoyment of cycling plus an interest in riding together with friends formed the basis of its beginnings.

On April 15, 1998, a meeting was announced by founder Ed Stewart at Carlisle Visitor Center for the purpose of discussing the possible formation of a bike club. Over 30 people showed up that first night and a core of activities were quickly put together. By the fall that year we had about 80 paid members. In the years that followed, Silver Wheels has grown in size and matured in experience to the robust organization it is today. In 2002 the board incorporated the club as a 501 C(7) non-profit organization.

Over the years the club has traveled to many places. We have ridden probably every trail in the state - and there are many. Some of the locations biked include Michigan, Canada, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Ireland, and Holland. Over 70 members have completed the League of American Bicyclists Bike Education Program, taught by members who are certified instructors, a truly unique situation for a club our size.

The club membership has about 300+ individuals. The age of our members ranges from the teens well into the eighties, with an average in the mid-50's; we are about even male and female. Our membership hails from all over the Northern Ohio region with representatives from eight counties, although most do live in Lorain County.

We now offer many rides and events, totaling over 400 during the season. These activities are mostly rides of all types but also include our educational program, meetings, and non-cycling recreational activities. In the off-season we remain active with hikes and cross country skiing. We have rides scheduled about every day and in peak season multiple rides a day.

In 2008 Silver Wheels was named Club of the Year for Region 4 by the League of American Bicyclists, one of six clubs in the country so named that year.

If you are interested in adding substance to your cycling and making new friends in the process, you might want to consider joining Silver Wheels.

Copyright 2024 Silver Wheels Cycling Club | Dog Days Wine Tour

Silver Wheels Cycling Club is a 501 C(7) non-profit organization. P.O.Box 242 Vermilion, Oh 44089

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